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Department Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells

Photovoltaics Practical Course

Semiconductor practical course “Fabrication and characterization of CIS thin film solar cells”


Semiconductor practical course “Fabrication and characterization of perovskite solar cells"

At the end of the semester lecture period two practical courses “Fabrication and characterization of thin film solar cells” will take place at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin in Wannsee and two practical courses “Fabrication and characterization of  perovskite solar cells” will take place at in Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin’s HySprint Lab in Berlin-Adlershof.

The courses "Fabrication and characterization of CIS thin film solar cells " include the fabrication and characterization of thin film solar cells on the basis of Cu(In,Ga)S2-semiconductor materials and take place in the Department Structure and Dynamics of Energy Materials at HZB in Berlin-Wannsee at the Institute of Technology under guidance of Dr. Thomas Unold.

The courses "Fabrication and characterization of perovskite solar cells" are organized by the Department Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells and take place at the Institute for Silicon Photovoltaics, Kekuléstr. 5, 12489 Berlin (Adlershof), and include the fabrication and characterization of methyl-ammonium lead iodide-based perovskite solar cells.

Different process steps for the fabrication of solar cells will be demonstrated by tutors and opportunity will be given to the students to execute several of the process steps. Furthermore demonstrations of several characterization techniques for solar cells, such as current-voltage, external quantum efficiency and internal quantum efficiency measurements are part of the course.

Registration & Time period

The registration for the courses takes place via the ISIS system of the TU Berlin. A TU account is required for this. The registration will be activated in ISIS during the first weeks of each semester. 

The courses take place as "block courses". The exact dates (2 alternative weeks towards the end of each semester) will also be announced in ISIS. The number of places per course is limited to 5 students.

Prerequisites for participation

Participation requires previous attendance of the Photovoltaics I and / or Photovoltaics II lectures and successful passing of the written examinations associated with the lectures.

At the beginning of the internship, students take a written test to prove their knowledge of the photovoltaic topics relevant to the course. Passing the test is a prerequisite for further participation in the course.


The following grading scheme will be applied:

  • 30 % for level of participation
  • 30 % seminar talk
  • 40 % protocol / report

All parts have to be passed. In case of failure in one part the full course is failed.

A script (PDF file) will be provided that will serve as the basis for the course week, and for preparing the talks. In preparation for the course week, all students have to familiarize themselves with the content.