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timeline since the cyber attack on 15 June 2023

week 16/2024

beamlines in operation: 60%

week 08/2024

beamlines in operation: 45%

week 07/2024

original HZB-website back online and access to GATE open for the beamtime applications (with 2 factor authentication)

week 02/2024

Launch of the call for proposals (2024-II)
Beamlines in operation: 33%

week 46

Open letter to BESSY II users

week 44

Start of transfer for all beamlines into the new robust, full-featured IT-Infrastructure with two pilot-beamlines (one dipole, one undulator)
Restart user operation at beamlines with already independent network structures
Beamlines in operation: 20%

week 43

GATE accessible (internal use only)

week 42

LAN available 
network communication between HZB computers reestablished

week 38

Launch of the current temporary HZB website

week 28

WiFi reestablished 
still no network communication between HZB computers possible
Rollout of a new email system 
no access to all previous emails or contacts available

week 27

BESSY II light source in operation again
PTB beamlines and BAMline in operation thanks to their independent network

week 26

Limited internet access reestablished 
no network communication between HZB computers possible
Task force Restart BESSY II: 
concept for recommissioning of beamlines based on cyber security measures for the IT infrastructure

week 24

Cyber attack 
all systems were shut down